Investing should


Discover How 10,000+ Women Have Taken Control of Their Finances and Invested Over $82 Million—All While Gaining Confidence and Clarity with

Be Intimidating

Stock Market School

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Fear of messing something up, doing something wrong, or making a mistake. The thing is, these rich white men have made investing seem complicated for a reason — to keep women and minorities from building wealth, so they can have it for themselves.

But the longer we wait, the longer we let them win. And I don't want them to win any longer.

the reason we don't invest?


You may be thinking something like...

That fear of losing everything? It’s real, but imagine the confidence of knowing you’re playing the long game. You don’t have to panic over every dip because you trust in your strategy. That’s power.

"Investing is way too risky, I can't lose all of my money."

Spoiler alert: the “perfect time” doesn’t exist. Trying to time the market perfectly is like trying to predict the weather six months from now—good luck with that. The best time to start? Yesterday. The second best? Today.

“I’m waiting for the perfect time to invest.”

That moment when the fog lifts and everything starts to click—like you’ve cracked a code that seemed impossible. Suddenly, you’re no longer on the sidelines. You’re in control, and it feels so good.

“Ugh, the stock market is so confusing. I’ll never understand it.”

The earlier you start, the better. Time is your best friend when it comes to investing. Even small amounts invested in your 20s or 30s can grow into something amazing by the time you’re ready to cash out.

“I’m too young to worry about investing, I’ll do it later.”

This is one of the biggest lies we’ve all been told. You don’t have to be rich to invest—you get rich through investing. The stock market is for everyone, including you. That feeling of belonging in a space you thought wasn't meant for you? Absolutely unstoppable.

“Investing is only for rich people.”

We’ve all been there—feeling that push to do something but getting overwhelmed by all the options. Imagine how it’ll feel when you take that first small step, and suddenly, the path starts to feel clearer. It’s like finally getting unstuck and watching your confidence grow.

"I know I should be investing, but I have no idea where to start."

We’ve all been there—feeling like everyone else knows more than we do. But imagine the relief when you realize there are no stupid questions. That lightbulb moment when you ask something and suddenly it all makes sense? It feels like taking the weight off your shoulders and finally stepping into a space where you belong.

“I have so many stupid questions, I’m embarrassed to even ask.”

It’s easy to feel like money is this taboo, “bad” thing, but it really isn't. It’s a tool that can give you options, freedom, security, and the ability to make a difference. The truth? Having financial power allows you to live life on your terms—and that’s anything but selfish.

“I feel like wanting money makes me greedy or selfish.”

Women wait longer to invest or don't invest at all compared to men. And if we don't invest, we lose out on millions of dollars.

Let me tell you right now: the best way to fight the patriarchy, especially if you're a woman, disabled, a person of color, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, is through


you can't retire, aka stop working

what happens if i don't invest in the stock market?

unfortunately, bad shit.

Without investing, your money doesn’t grow. Relying solely on savings means you won’t have the financial cushion to step away from work when you're ready. You’ll be tied to the grind indefinitely, missing out on the financial freedom that investing brings.

You won't achieve your financial goals

Whether it’s buying a home, traveling the world, or starting a business, your financial dreams will remain just that—dreams. Investing is the tool that helps you build wealth over time, turning those goals into reality.

You lose money. every. single. day.

Inflation is a sneaky wealth-killer. If your money just sits in a savings account, it's actually losing value over time. Without investing, you’re essentially letting inflation eat away at your hard-earned cash.

You give up financial agency

By not investing, you’re allowing the patriarchy to dictate your financial future. Investing puts you in control, giving you the power to make your money work for you, instead of just working for your money.

No more second-guessing.

No more being held back by rich white men.

No more intimidation.

No more fear.

it all stops right now

If you’re reading this, you already know it’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines.

You’ve watched others invest, seen them grow their wealth, and now there’s a little voice inside saying, “Why not me?”

No more putting it off. The best time to invest is RIGHT NOW.  Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year. Right now. 

class is now in session.

You CAN learn how to navigate the stock market and start investing to build wealth.

You CAN gain access to the insider strategies top investors use every day.

You CAN build the kind of wealth that lasts, for you and future generations.

But here’s the thing: every time you think about starting or building on what you’ve got, the overwhelm creeps in, and suddenly you’re stuck again.


Stock market school

Her First $100k and Treasury have partnered to bring you this exclusive investing program




Her First $100K is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC (“Adviser”). Her First $100K pays Adviser to provide certain financial content to you in Stock Market School as well as non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Learn more about the relationship between Her First $100K and Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers.

We take the guesswork out of investing.

You're not in this alone.

Learn and invest all within a single app.

Her First $100k and Treasury have partnered to bring you this exclusive investing program


Her First $100K is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC (“Adviser”). Her First $100K pays Adviser to provide certain financial content to you in Stock Market School as well as non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Learn more about the relationship between Her First $100K and Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers.

THis Exclusive Program includes:

LIVE Investing 101 Workshop (the only investing workshop where you will actually invest live on the call)

Monthly live coaching with Tori where you can get your financial questions answered in real-time

Quarterly deep-dive workshops on community-voted investing topics

Personalized investment strategies from the Treasury team to help you create a long-term investing plan

10-day investing challenge

And so much more!

Full access to 50+ investing how-to videos and guides, with new additions and courses every month.

Private community forum with exclusive access to the Treasury and Her First $100K teams

Join Stock Market School—an investing education community from Her First $100K and Treasury. We’ve partnered together to make investing simple, fun, and jargon-free with easy-to-understand videos, articles, and tools. Plus, you’ll get personalized advice from Treasury, a Registered Investment Advisor, to help you manage your investments.

Already in? All you have to do is attend Investing 101, a live online workshop with Tori to teach you the basics of investing in a way that is fun, simple, and approachable. You'll get the chance to invest with Treasury during the workshop.

Afterward? You’ll get an entire year of Stock Market School on Treasury, where you can make investments, see what others are investing in (even Team HFK!), ask questions, and participate in live coaching sessions with me—this is the only place you'll get this exclusive access!

how to actually start investing

Her First $100K is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC (“Adviser”). Her First $100K pays Adviser to provide certain financial content to you in Stock Market School as well as non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Learn more about the relationship between Her First $100K and Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers.

Tuesday, Oct 15 at 5PM PT/8pm ET

It's time.

Start your investing journey by securing your spot in our next cohort

I’m gonna teach you how to gain financial power — in the most fun, non-intimidating 60-ish minutes possible.

Your investing journey starts with a LIVE, virtual workshop where you can engage with others, ask all of your burning questions, and actually make an investment through Treasury on the call!

Afterward, you'll gain access to an entire year of Stock Market School on Treasury where you can continue to make investments, engage with the community, and participate in live coaching sessions with Tori Dunlap (that's me!).

Get ready to create your own personalized investing plan with the strategies from Treasury that I use to build wealth.


Hey, I’m Tori.

And I LOVE making women


As a globally-recognized money expert, I’m gonna teach you how to gain financial power through investing.

When I work one-on-one with women, one of the most common refrains I hear is, "I want to start investing, but I'm too intimidated!" And I get it: the stock market can feel risky, scary, and way too finance-bro-y. 

Each month, I meet live with the Stock Market School community to answer your investing questions and provide transparency on my own investing journey–aka exactly what I’m investing in. This is currently the only place where I provide live money coaching!

I've helped over 5 million women become financially confident. Are you next?

Our community has already invested over

You're next ✨

Our community has already invested over

$82 million.

as seen in:

You find that news about stock market gains, this or that stock, or building wealth gives you a case of financial FOMO (or major trepidation).

You want to retire someday

You know investing is important, but have NO IDEA how to start.

this is for you if...

You’re ready to gain financial agency and power (in a bullshit patriarchal society).

You’ve heard phrases like “S&P 500,” “mutual fund,” and “capital gains,” but you have no idea what the f*ck they mean.

join the community

 I’m a multi-millionaire – and I spend less than 15 hours a YEAR on my investing strategy.

Hard to believe, right? You’d expect me to be constantly checking my accounts, buying and selling stocks daily, or obsessively watching Jim Cramer on CNBC (ew). I do none of those things.

Instead, using the techniques we teach in Stock Market School, I have a proven investing strategy (that people like Warren Buffet love!) to grow my wealth to millions.


Fun fact:

Think investing is risky? Nah.

You'll join the live workshop to learn the investing fundamentals and make your first investment!

We'll email you instructions to sign up for an account or link an existing account

Grab a seat to my live, online Investing 101 workshop to kickstart your year of Stock Market School

Here's how this is gonna go:

After the workshop, you'll gain instant access to your year-long Stock market school membership, the full curriculum, and our community 

The definition (and difference!) between a stock and a bond

but Tori, why do i have to start with 

My favorite type of invesment and how they reduce risk while growing your wealth

The #1 mistake new investors make and how to avoid it

A ton more by gaining immediate access to our exclusive investing community, Stock Market School!

Glad you asked! Think of Investing 101 as your intro class, but all online and in real-time. Unlike the usual boring, complex investing workshops that don't actually teach you anything, we’re here to make sure you’re never left in the dark.

It’s your flashlight, guiding you step-by-step into the Stock Market School community. Not only will you get simple, actionable tips, but you’ll also have a supportive space to get your questions answered. Oh, and did we mention? You’ll actually invest during the workshop. You’ll leave not just knowing the basics—you’ll literally leave an investor. Hell yeah.

Investing 101?

On day 1, you'll learn...

Want to know what made me a

Want to know exactly what made me a

See exactly what I invest in through Treasury's Transparency feature! Once you’re a member, you can see what every Stock Market School member invests in, their portfolio allocation, and your shared investments.

You'll even get personalized investing strategies from the Treasury team to solidify your investing plan.


At Stock Market School, Transparency is everything.

You can learn how to invest in less than 

A month.

Let's do this

You can learn how to invest in less than

A month.

2 hours

The only reason I became an investor was because someone sat down and taught me.

"how do i know this 

When I first started learning about investing, I had no clue what I was doing. My dad was the one who sat me down and walked me through opening a Roth IRA and buying my first fund. Without him, I wouldn’t have known where to start.

But I still remember the first time I tried to invest on my own—it was overwhelming. I was staring at charts and graphs on what is now Charles Schwab (back then it was TD Ameritrade), completely lost. I found myself thinking, I wish someone were here to guide me again.

That’s the biggest challenge: when you’re left to figure out confusing platforms, it’s easy to feel stuck. Questions like "Should I invest conservatively or aggressively?" or "Do I need options trading?" can be paralyzing when you don’t know the answers—and they certainly don’t make it easy to find out.

The same feeling hit me when I had to set up my 401k for the first time at work. I felt clueless, like I was the stereotypical woman who couldn’t manage this on her own—even though I knew that wasn’t true. It’s the system, designed to confuse and intimidate us.

That’s why Stock Market School exists—to be that guiding hand, the person who sits down with you and helps you through those overwhelming first steps. It’s built for those of us who know what it feels like to want more control over our financial futures, but need someone to show us the way. You don’t have to do it alone.

will actually work?"

do it in community

The content really is clear enough that people feel comfortable to start investing right away. I love the marker highlighting which funds have low fees and the non-judgmental environment you create.


Neither Treasury Interactive Inc. ("Treasury") nor Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC ("Adviser") compensates, directly or indirectly, for the testimonials provided herein. The testimonials/endorsements are not provided by clients of Advisor; instead, they are based on experiences as Treasury customers. Testimonials/endorsements represent a conflict of interest, as Adviser may indirectly benefit from the endorsements they have provided.

You need someone to invest for you (the worst)

Only wealthy people invest

You have to be completely debt-free before you can invest

Chances are you may have heard…


that shit stops

The finance bros have convinced you that investing is scary, confusing, and risky – so you won’t do it (and stay broke)

Featured in the new York Times

I don't believe in gatekeeping. Instead, I believe in teaching wealth-building investing education at an accessible price.

over $4000 worth of programming

for $50/month.

Take it from the stock market school community...

"how do i know this 

will actually work?"

do it in community

"Thank god for Treasury. I have no clue what the numbers mean on Yahoo Finance. It's like handing you a map and assuming you could understand all of the information in front of you without a key."


"I'd been having an overwhelming day today and then I got the notification for the class. I'm so glad I'm here with some likeminded gals!"


"When you paid $3,000 for a course but this is so much better!!!"


"I feel so much more confident, and after 5 years of beating around the bush have opened a brokerage account, funded it, and set up recurring transfers to it so I keep investing. I feel on top of the world right now! And I'm proud of myself."


"I haven't felt hope in a long time. Tonight I do. There may be some watery eyes."


"Tori, the thrill of that was indescribable!"


"I DO feel like I overcame a huge fear just being here!!"


"I saved my first $100,000 last week, I can't wait to have that much invested!"


"I started investing because of this site. It truly made things less scary and I felt like I understood the market.  Now I've been investing every week and I'm watching my money grow with me barely doing anything. THANK YOU!"


"I never thought I'd feel this confident with any type of investing, and I've had a Roth IRA for multiple years with a financial adviser! I feel capable and educated enough to take things into my own hands, and now I'm able to spread my knowledge to friends and family!"


"Thank you so much for this! I feel like people (men) have condescended me my entire life about this, and now I feel like I can do this!"


"I feel so much more confident! Still a newbie, but able to understand the basics which is a big leap. Thank you!"


Neither Treasury Interactive Inc. ("Treasury") nor Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC ("Adviser") compensates, directly or indirectly, for the testimonials provided herein. The testimonials/endorsements are not provided by clients of Advisor; instead, they are based on experiences as Treasury customers. Testimonials/endorsements represent a conflict of interest, as Adviser may indirectly benefit from the endorsements they have provided.

Relieved in knowing that you aren't alone and are surrounded by thousands of likeminded investors

Confident navigating investments and making smart financial decisions

Hopeful about a future where your investments support your goals and dreams

What if you could feel..

Get the program that 10,000+ investors have used to gain an investing education and build wealth in a realistic, long-term way.

You totally can


I'm very excited right now about investing and I just did! But, I feel like I just jumped into a whole world that I don't know a whole lot about so I'm a little nervous!! This workshop has helped me to just do it and get started and I appreciate that so much!! Thank you for offering this and creating the opportunity!


Neither Treasury Interactive Inc. ("Treasury") nor Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC ("Adviser") compensates, directly or indirectly, for the testimonials provided herein. The testimonials/endorsements are not provided by clients of Advisor; instead, they are based on experiences as Treasury customers. Testimonials/endorsements represent a conflict of interest, as Adviser may indirectly benefit from the endorsements they have provided.

We want you to make a solid, educated decision you feel confident about, and honestly? Most platforms drown you in information you don’t need to start investing.

Treasury, the platform Stock Market School is hosted on, is a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), meaning they can give Stock Market School Members personalized investment advice.

When you invest using a Treasury Investing Account, Treasury will make recommendations about what investments are a good fit for you and how you should allocate your money between different investments.

Most importantly, as an RIA, Treasury is a fiduciary for clients, which means they are required (by law!) to put clients' best interests ahead of their own!

When you're researching investments, the last thing we want is for you to get


Her First $100K is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC (“Adviser”). Her First $100K pays Adviser to provide certain financial content to you in Stock Market School as well as non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Learn more about the relationship between Her First $100K and Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers.

Her First $100K is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC (“Adviser”). Her First $100K pays Adviser to provide certain financial content to you in Stock Market School as well as non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Learn more about the relationship between Her First $100K and Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers.

Chase’s financial advisors won’t even work with you unless you have $25K to invest. That’s gatekeeping if I’ve ever seen it.

The average financial advisor fee just to ask questions is $200-400/hr. Just based on live time with the Stock Market School team alone in workshops and live coaching, this would be $2800-$5600 yearly.

And if they charge you on retainer, you’re looking at $2,000-7,500. WOOF.

let's compare numbers, shall we?

this is why we created Stock Market School.

Stock Market School teaches you how to grow your wealth passively for the long haul – not complicated stock picking, no risky day trading, no sketchy crypto schemes. Spend less than 2 hours per month learning how to invest and developing strategies you’ll use for the rest of your life.

Personalized investment strategies from the Treasury team to help you create a long-term investing plan

Monthly live coaching with me and the Treasury team to get your questions answered in real-time

LIVE Investing 101 Workshop (the only workshop where you will actually invest live on the call!)

Every stock market school subscription includes:

Access to all past workshop replays

Exclusive access to Treasury's investing tools and the ability to automate your investments

Quarterly deep-dive workshops on community-voted investing topics

10-day investing challenge

Exclusive, private community with access to the Treasury and Her First $100K teams! 

Frequently Asked


I heard we will be able to invest during the workshop. How much money will I need?

A common misconception is that people think they need to have thousands of dollars in order to invest. I would say that $100-200 is enough to get started.

What if I can’t make it live to the workshops or coaching?

A playback for all workshops and live coaching (that you can view as many times as you like!) is included in the price!

I'm not American. Would Stock Market School still be useful?

Stock Market School is currently only available in the U.S. We hope to expand to other countries soon!

I know nothing about the stock market/investing. Is this too advanced for me?

Not at all! Stock Market School was made with you in mind — we’re here to guide you every step of the way, and make accessible something that’s usually intimidating.

Can I find Treasury in the app store?

Treasury is a web app accessible at from any device. We plan to build native apps soon but have community members across iPhone, Android, and web, so started with something that is accessible to all.

I don’t have an emergency fund. Should I start investing?

Your #1 financial priority— before you start to invest— is to have a 3-6 month emergency fund set aside in a high-yield savings account, followed by making sure you are contributing to your 401(k) match, if you have one.

I have debt, should I wait to start investing?

If the interest on your loans (whatever they may be) is UNDER 7%, you should be investing at the same time as paying off your loans. While there are no guarantees, over the last 30 years, 7% is the average stock market return of the S&P 500, which is often used to represent the total stock market. So, if you have credit cards at 15% interest, you are better off paying off that debt then you are investing, but if you have student loans at 4% interest, you could be earning more money investing than you are paying off debt.

What does it mean that Treasury is a Registered Investment Adviser?

In order to provide you with investment advice a company needs to register with the government. This rule is in place to protect investors. Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers (a subsidiary of Treasury) is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission so is allowed to provide advice and offer investing accounts to you. As a Registered Investment Adviser, Treasury has a fiduciary duty to put your interests above its own and to disclose any potential conflicts of interest when offering investment advice.

If I choose not to renew my Stock Market School subscription can I still invest with Treasury?

Yes! Even if your Stock Market School subscription lapses you can continue investing with Treasury without any additional charges. Once your subscription ends you will no longer have access to the educational content from Her First $100K and Treasury in Stock Market School.

What is the relationship between Her First $100k and Treasury. Does Her First $100k make money when I sign up for a Treasury investing account?

Her First $100K and Treasury are separate companies that are working together to teach you about investing and to help you invest! Her First $100K (or its owners) is an advisory client of Treasury Interactive Investment Advisers LLC. Her First $100K pays Treasury to provide financial content that is made available to you and non-discretionary advisory services. Her First $100K does not receive compensation for referring you to Adviser. Stock Market School members need to do their own due diligence and decide which investments and investment advisers are appropriate for them.

What if I change my mind after I subscribe? Do you offer refunds?

We want you to satisfied with Treasury and Stock Market School! If you decide its not right for you we're happy to offer a refund up to seven days after the date of your Investing 101 workshop. For more information about Treasury's refund and fulfillment policies, click here.

Will you be offering any more workshops?

Yes! Stock Market School members get access to additional workshops, live coaching sessions where you can get your questions answered, quarterly deep dives, and can join future Investing 101 workshops.

Stop Second-guessing, start investing.

let's get started.