
Best Places to find a Remote Job

August 23, 2021

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I'm Tori!

After successfully saving $100,000 at age 25, I quit my corporate job in marketing to fight for your financial rights. I’ve helped over three million badass women make more, spend less, and feel financially confident.


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Where to Find a Remote Job

Employees all over the country are making a mass exodus from their jobs in search of remote-friendly policies. Many companies came against strong objections to putting their workers back in the office, and are facing a decision of allowing more flexibility or losing valuable employees.

For those of you who have not been given the option to stay home, searching for a remote-friendly company feels like the logical next step. Fortunately, more and more companies are adjusting to these ever-changing times and offering flexible and fully remote opportunities. But, where do you find a remote job?

Here’s a list of job boards that are either entirely remote-friendly or at the very least offer easily adjusted filters to help connect you with remote employers.

Before we dive in, if you’re actively job hunting, check out my Job Interview Package! It includes a customizable cover letter and resume template as well as a guide to help you nail your next interview.

Remote OK

Remote OK is a fully remote job board that focuses heavily on the tech space and start-ups, but there are plenty of companies featured that are not a part of that category. The interface takes a little time to get used to, but they have a search function and filtering that will help you weed out jobs that aren’t the right fit.


Another full-remote job board with a sleek user interface to help you find a remote job in your preferred industry. NoDesk also has a page full of resources for job seekers and remote workers including a blog, newsletter, and links to relevant articles.


It’s the king of job boards for a reason, despite how you might feel about it. LinkedIn, for all its faults, is an excellent resource for job seekers who fully utilize the platform’s networking and job searching capabilities.

Want to spiffy up your LinkedIn profile? Here’s a guide on 5 things your LinkedIn profile is probably missing.

P.S. Just like you would on any social networking site, please post responsibly on LinkedIn and make sure you’re not sharing private information with anyone.

We Work Remotely

Like NoDesk, We Work Remotely has a great section on resources for job seekers including a podcast, The Remote Show, for all of you audiophiles! They even have a community slack channel. Like others, the interface allows you to filter jobs by category and is pretty user-friendly.


Big on social impact? Goodgigs is the job board for you! Goodgigs features only jobs in the non-profit/social good sphere. Not every job on the board is remote-friendly, but they have easy-to-use filters to help you find ones that are.


Yes, Fivver is a freelancing website, but I’m including it because it could be a great gateway to working from home if you can’t afford to leave your job right now. I worked as a freelance social media manager for several months when I was saving my first $100k –– I learned a lot and made some good money on the side in the process.

Make sure to do your research on the best ways to post your gigs, and remember to watch out for spam and follow the community guidelines.


Unlike Fivver, where the clients come to you, Upwork operates like a freelancing job board. You’ll submit proposals and apply for gigs that might be hourly, part-time, and occasionally full-time. Like I mentioned above, freelancing is a great way to make money on the side or slowly build your way out of a job that isn’t offering you the flexibility you need.

Facebook (no, I’m not kidding)

Though it has long become the politically charged boomer haven of the social media world, Facebook is still a great place to network and find jobs, especially if you are working in a particular industry.

Start by looking for groups based on your affinity or preferred industry area (ie; Women in Marketing), and then by your geographic location to start! Not every job posted in these groups is guaranteed to be remote, but you may also find a great network of people who can help you get a leg up on your job search. You never know who you’ll meet on the great wide web!

Also, I’m biased, but we talk about jobs in our amazing and supportive Facebook community, The $100K Club.

Following your “dream employers” on social media

I have hired several of my current employees after putting out a simple callout on Instagram/TikTok/Twitter. I do this because I know for a fact that they’re either following me or at least following someone in the personal finance space. I’m far from alone — so many companies post job openings on their social channels.  Once again, no promise that all of these jobs will be remote, but if you happen to follow employers who are remote-friendly, you’ll know about open positions as soon as they’re listed.

Job hunting is not for the faint of heart, and with the way the world is continuing to shift, it’s so worthwhile to stand firm in what arena works best for you –– whether that’s working 100% from home, flex, or in the office.

Here are some additional resources to help with your job hunt:

FREE: How to Land the Job

Job Interview Package (includes the cover letter and resume template as well as the job interview overview)

Resume Template

Blog: Boss Won’t Let You Work From Home? Here’s What to Do Next




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