In today’s fast-paced world, rest often takes a backseat–who has time for that?! Even though the team at Her First $100K® takes rest *very* seriously, we know just how hard it can be to prioritize. Everyone rests differently, so we’re sharing our unique approaches to rest in the hope that you’ll find some inspiration for […]
Rest is not just about sleep; it encompasses varied aspects crucial for one’s overall well-being. These include physical rest (like lounging or yoga), mental rest (calming activities like meditation), emotional rest (processing emotions), social rest (spending time with uplifting individuals), sensory rest (reducing overstimulation), creative rest (rejuvenating creativity), and spiritual rest (connecting with something greater). Recognizing and embracing these different types of rest can enhance our quality of life and society.
Holiday gift budgeting is not easy. I’m going through my tips on setting emotional and financial boundaries for the holidays.
Imagine a world where women are not just super confident about their sexual and reproductive health but are also kicking some serious ass in the economy.
In this blog, we cover the basics of a 401(k), explain what to do with your 401(k) when changing jobs, and provide 401(k) resource recommendations.
In order to start making decisions about your money, you need step-by-step guidance. Take our FREE money quiz to get your personalized money plan.
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