
Why Your Side Hustle Needs a Website: Bluehost Review

May 6, 2021

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I'm Tori!

After successfully saving $100,000 at age 25, I quit my corporate job in marketing to fight for your financial rights. I’ve helped over three million badass women make more, spend less, and feel financially confident.


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Your Side Hustle Needs a Website

Back when Her First $100K was in her infancy, I thought I had to have every single detail of my website and brand planned out before I started publishing my work. I convinced myself that no one would take me seriously or purchase my products if my website was too plain or my branding colors weren’t exactly right.

All this “perfectionism” did was provide with an excuse to keep procrastinating Her First $100K’s launch — and making great content doesn’t mean anything if people have no way of accessing it.

Waiting for “perfect” meant I would never hit publish on my blog. Waiting for perfect could have cost me my multi-6-figure business.

At some point, I realized that my so-called “perfectionism” was really just my fear of failure running the show. I decided at that point to follow a new mantra:

Done is better than perfect.

With this new lease on life, I decided to spend the $40 I needed to buy my domain and set up a simple website — and Her First $100K as you know it was officially out in the world.

This has become the first advice I give to any new business owner, big and small. You have to just start — or you’ll never know what you could be losing.

And yes, part of starting is building a website.

“Can’t I just post on Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/etc?”

Take it from me (and several other prominent business coaches and owners) — building houses on borrowed land will bring you nothing but heartache. When you house all of your content or offerings on a social media platform that you don’t own, you risk losing everything, sometimes for no reason at all.

Even a simple landing page to grab customer emails, an online store, or a content blog is better than only utilizing social media platforms.

Social media is a great tool, but it’s part of a much larger toolbox you need to utilize.

If you’ve been scared off of web building because it seems too complicated or expensive, I’d like to introduce you to Bluehost, one of my affiliate partners.

Bluehost helps you take the first steps by allowing you to host your website for as little as $2.95 a month. With that, you get an easy step-by-step set-up, a free domain for your first year, free 24/7 lifetime support, AND WordPress total design freedom.

There are so many great hosting websites out there, so why choose Bluehost over its competitors?

Bluehost is affordable

At $2.95 a month for hosting, Bluehost is one of the most affordable options for buying a domain and building a website, and because they’re one of our affiliates, they’ve given us a smashing deal we want to pass along to you. You can use my affiliate link here to save on your first website!

Bluehost is easy to use

You don’t have to be a pro-designer to take advantage of Bluehost’s website-building tools. Setting up your first website is fast and simple, but there’s a whole toolkit at your disposal when it’s time to take your design game up to the next level.

Bluehost is optimized for helping your business grow

Bluehost comes with marketing and analytics tools to ensure that you have the information you need to help your online business grow. These tools are so crucial as they let you know what’s working and what’s not working about your website, making sure you can spend your valuable time where it’s needed most.

Advanced help when you need it

When it’s time to amp up your website, Bluehost has a team of experts ready to help you build the online space of your dreams. They also have a great 24/7 support team available to help when you need it.

I’ll say it again in case you missed it off the top: When it comes to getting started, done is better than perfect.

Putting yourself out there is hard, but it’s so worth it. Bluehost powers over 2 million websites worldwide — shouldn’t yours be next?

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